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1. Anna, you’re the co-founder and executive director at Annie’s Orphans pet dog shelter in Durango Colorado. That’s not necessarily a common job – how did you get into this?
In the early 80’s, I became interested in pet dog sledding and traded jewelry for a team and equipment. My spouse and I make animal themed jewelry (primarily pet dog jewelry). So we bartered for the team. We went to small local races, and it became evident to me that not all racers were into it for the love of dogs. In fact, quite the opposite. So I started taking in sled pet dog that no longer were “useful” to their owners. It wasn’t long before I expanded to include wolfdogs, then it seemed that anything that needed sanctuary from the cruelties of people were welcome to Annie’s Orphans.
2. taking care of an abandoned or abused pet dog for the first time sounds like a pretty daunting task, what is the hardest part when taking in a new dog?
What makes my heart ache is to see the sadness and confusion in the eyes of the little souls that grace my doorstep. They have no clue why their owners are turning their backs on them. So it makes me all the a lot more committed to making them feel welcome, delighted and loved.
3. What kind of behaviors are a lot of typically seen with these dogs when they first come to your shelter?
Many of them are frightened, starving, and beat up. So some are very shy and take a while to build their confidence. Others are a lot more ready to let us love them. then there are a few that grieve for a long time. I have one that has been grieving for 4 years, and barely tolerates us.
4. What goes into the rehabilitation process of new dogs in your shelter? Do you find that some dogs acclimate to a healthy atmosphere faster than others?
Sorry I guess I answered part of this in the last question. The way we rehabilitate our dogs is through patience and understanding. The good thing about being a no-kill shelter is that we aren’t under the kind of pressure that a lot of kill shelters are. We have big kennels and very large play yards, one with a small swimming pool, that the dogs take pleasure in frequently. We shower them with love, good food and warm houses.
5. I’m sure working there has its ups and downs, but what would you say is the most satisfying part of working with these dogs?
The a lot of satisfying is often also the hardest. Seeing them go to a terrific loving home is a very delighted moment. and hearing from the new families that the pet dog is doing terrific and seeing pictures of them with their families is so heartwarming. BUT, the hard part is making myself surrender to the fact that my baby is no longer under my protection. even though I check people out as best I can, I still have this empty feeling that something could go wrong and my pet dog could be in danger.
6. I’m sure you have had lots of terrific success stories, do any of them stick out in particular?
So lots of come to mind. but one in particular is when I got this email about a blind pit bull who had been found on a hiway in eastern Texas. He was sitting next to another dog, probably his pal and eyes, who had been killed. A lady stopped and picked him up and he ended up in a shelter that could not keep him. nobody wanted him. He was due to be killed in a few days, but the terrific ladies at the shelter put out a plea for someone to help. I don’t know what came over me. after all I am in Colorado and he was in Eastern Texas. Cosa stavo pensando. but my heart took over my head and I emailed them telling them I would take him if we could get him to Co. So, thanks to the Internet and a lot of terrific people ready to give up their time and money, Mr. Bluejeans (now Levi) was on his way to Colorado. After being here for a couple of months, the most terrific family adopted him, and we delivered him on Christmas Eve. now he is sleeping on their daughters bed at night instead of being dead.
7. For someone considering adopting a dog, why must they consider opting for a rescue? and if so, what’s the greatest piece of recommendations you can give them?
There are millions of dogs and cats dying everyday either by the hand of man, starving to death or being killed on the hiways. Why must these animals suffer because people have to have purebred dogs, designer dogs or just to inconsiderate to have their dogs spayed and neutered. All the silly old wives tails that people must be smart enough to no better are still irritating my ears. like “she will be a lot calmer if she has one litter”, or “she or he will get too fat”, or the best yet, “my kids must see puppies or kittens being born, it will be educational”. Anyway, “Don’t get while shelter dogs DIE”, I love that sentiment.
As for advice, check out lots of shelters. andareinto this as if you were adopting a child, and commit, commit, commit. look for the pet dog that suits your lifestyle and try to picture what your lifestyle will be for the next 10 or 15 years. also research the breeds and the shelters. find out what the shelter is ready to do for you to help the pet dog adjust. put yourself in the animals place and try to understand what it goes through when you dump it off at a shelter. They have feelings, they love you and depend on you. If you don’t believe me, look in your dogs eyes. They will tell you.
This week comes another installment of our Adopt-A-Dog interview series. Today, we are interviewing Anna Anderson, co-founder and director of Annie’s Orphans pet dog shelter located in Durango, Colorado. Annie’s Orphans is a no-kill animal shelter that houses up to 70 dogs and has become a safe haven for neglected and mistreated animals throughout the four corners area.
Anna personally goes out to find and bring back abused dogs to nurse and rehabilitate so that they can be adopted by loving families. Unfortunately, some dogs have not been able to recover well enough to be adopted, and in those cases, have found a permanent home as Sanctuary Dogs at Annie’s Orphans. The organization goes above and beyond to supply for and secure these dogs.
All this effort and love is made possible by the devotion of all the staff at the shelter and the donations made by the community. Anna has been so busy traveling between rescuing dogs to picking up donations that we’re lucky to have been able to ask her a few questions.
Anna, you’re the co-founder and executive director at Annie’s Orphans pet dog shelter in Durango Colorado. That’s not necessarily a common job – how did you get into this?
In the early 80’s, I became interested in pet dog sledding and traded jewelry for a team and equipment. My spouse and I make animal themed jewelry (primarily pet dog jewelry). So we bartered for the team. We went to small local races, and it became evident to me that not all racers were into it for the love of dogs. In fact, quite the opposite. So I started taking in sled dogs that no longer were “useful” to their owners. It wasn’t long before I expanded to include wolfdogs, then it seemed that anything that needed sanctuary from the cruelties of people were welcome to Annie’s Orphans.
Dealing with an abandoned or abused pet dog for the first time sounds like a pretty daunting task, what is the hardest part when taking in a new dog?
What makes my heart ache is to see the sadness and confusion in the eyes of the little souls that grace my doorstep. They have no clue why their owners are turning their backs on them. So it makes me all the a lot more committed to making them feel welcome, delighted and loved.
What kind of behaviors are a lot of typically seen with these dogs when they first come to your shelter?
lots of of them are frightened, starving, and beat up. So some are very shy and take a while to build their confidence. Others are a lot more ready to let us love them. then there are a few that grieve for a long time. I have one that has been grieving for 4 years, and barely tolerates us.
What goes into the rehabilitation process of new dogs in your shelter? Do you find that some dogs acclimate to a healthy atmosphere faster than others?
The way we rehabilitate our dogs is through patience and understanding. The good thing about being a no-kill shelter is that we aren’t under the kind of pressure that a lot of kill shelters are. We have big kennels and very large play yards, one with a small swimming pool that the dogs take pleasure in frequently. We shower them with love, good food and warm houses.
I’m sure working there has its ups and downs, but what would you say is the most satisfying part of working with these dogs?
The a lot of satisfying is often also the hardest. Seeing them go to a terrific loving home is a very delighted moment. and hearing from the new families that the pet dog is doing terrific and seeing pictures of them with their families is so heartwarming. but the hard part is making myself surrender to the fact that my baby is no longer under my protection. even though I check people out as best I can, I still have this empty feeling that something could go wrong and my pet dog could be in danger.
I’m sure you have had lots of terrific success stories, do any of them stick out in particular?
So lots of come to mind. but one in particular is when I got this email about a blind pit bull who had been found on a highway in eastern Texas. He was sitting next to another dog, probably his pal and eyes, that had been killed. A lady stopped and picked him up and he ended up in a shelter that could not keep him. nobody wanted him. He was due to be killed in a few days, but the terrific ladies at the shelter put out a plea for someone to help. I don’t know what came over me. After all, I am in Colorado and he was in Eastern Texas. Cosa stavo pensando! but my hearT mi ha preso la testa e li ho inviati un’e -mail dicendo loro che lo avrei portato se potessimo portarlo in Colorado. Quindi, grazie a Internet e molte persone fantastiche pronte a rinunciare al loro tempo e denaro, il signor Bluejeans (ora Levi) era in viaggio per il Colorado. Dopo essere stato qui per un paio di mesi, la famiglia più eccezionale lo ha adottato e lo abbiamo consegnato alla vigilia di Natale. Ora sta dormendo sul letto della figlia di notte invece di essere morto.
Per qualcuno che considera l’adozione di un cane, perché devono prendere in considerazione l’idea di optare per un salvataggio? E se è così, quali sono i più grandi consigli che puoi dare loro?
Ci sono milioni di cani e gatti che muoiono ogni giorno per mano dell’uomo, morendo di fame o di essere uccisi sulle autostrade. Perché questi animali devono soffrire perché le persone devono avere cani di razza, cani firmati o semplicemente troppo sconsiderati per avere i loro cani sterilizzati e sterilizzati? Tutte le sciocche vecchie mogli che “le persone devono essere abbastanza intelligenti da conoscere meglio” sono ancora irritanti le mie orecchie. Come “Sarà molto più calma se ha una lettiera”, o “lei o lui diventerà troppo grassa”, o il meglio, “i miei figli devono vedere cuccioli o gattini nascere, sarà educativo”. Ad ogni modo, “Non capire mentre i cani da riparo muoiono;” Adoro quel sentimento.
Per quanto riguarda il consiglio, dai un’occhiata a molti rifugi. Entra in questo come se stessi adottando un bambino e impegnati, impegnati, impegnati. Cerca il cane da compagnia che si adatta al tuo stile di vita e prova a immaginare quale sarà il tuo stile di vita per i prossimi 10 o 15 anni. Ricerca anche le razze e i rifugi. Scopri cosa è pronto il rifugio per te per aiutare il cane da compagnia ad adattarsi. Mettiti nel luogo degli animali e cerca di capire cosa passa quando lo scarichi in un rifugio. Hanno sentimenti; Ti amano e dipendono da te. Se non mi credi, guarda gli occhi dei tuoi cani. Te lo diranno.
Grazie ancora dalla comunità di Petmeds per tutto il tuo duro lavoro, dedizione e prendendo del tempo dal tuo impegno per parlarci, Anna. Se vuoi imparare molto di più sugli orfani di Annie, puoi trovarli su Facebook e Twitter.
Tutte le immagini usate con l’autorizzazione degli orfani di Annie.
Intervista condotta tramite e -mail, leggermente modificata.
Adozione per cani